Originaires des régions tempérées de l’hémisphère Nord, les iris se caractérisent par leurs fleurs formées de trois sépales extérieurs retombants qui alternent avec trois pétales intérieurs dressés.
Dans le cas précis des iris à crête, les sépales dominent la physionomie de la fleur. Ils sont recouverts partiellement d’une étroite languette, appelée crête, à bout frisé (d’où leur nom).
En forme de pointe de lance, les pétales sont plus petits que les sépales.
Iris des marais
Iris fauve
Iris de Virginie ‘Lilac Dream’
Iris versicolore ‘Rougette’
Détails techniques : Olympus OM-D e-m5, objectif M.Zuiko 40-150mm F/2,8 + multiplicateur de focale M.Zuiko MC-14
1re photo : 1/1000 sec. — F/4,0 — ISO 200 — 210 mm
2e photo : 1/1600 sec. — F/4,0 — ISO 200 — 73 mm
3e photo : 1/800 sec. — F/4,0 — ISO 200 — 100 mm
4e photo : 1/250 sec. — F/4,0 — ISO 500 — 160 mm
Dear Jean-Pierre Martel,
I recently stumbled upon your blog, and found a photo you have of the iris labeled « Rougette ».
I’m the great grandson of the hybrizer who introduced this iris (Beatrice Warburton), and have been trying to track down the varieties that my family is missing in our gardens.
Do you have any further information about where this photograph was taken that you might be able to share? I would be grateful if you could provide any details or leads regarding who currently cultivates this variety in their garden.
Thank you for your time, and blog, and I look forward to hearing from you.
Matthew Magnani
PhD Candidate
Department of Anthropology
Harvard University
Website — Publications
Mr. Magnani,
Thanks for your email.
The photo was taken June 22, 2017, at the Montréal Botanical Garden.
Once a cultivar enters in their collection, it’s there for decades. So it’s very likely that they still have it.
As a public institution, the Botanical Garden doesn’t normally have any commercial activities. In other words, they don’t sell plants. But as the grandson of the hybridizer, you’re a special person.
For example, if your family gardens has rare cultivars created by your grandmother, why not proposing an exchange for a sample of the iris ‘Rougette’ that you want? They might be interested.
If not, my suggestion would be to write to them and make a special request. You might have to wait a few weeks before receiving a ‘real’ reply since they are closed because of the Covid-19 pandemic.
They might do something for you. Who knows; there’s no harm trying…
To write to them, this is the form to fill:
And if I can be of any help, don’t be afraid to write to me again.
Good luck.
Jean-Pierre Martel, blogger
P.S.- I was honoured to meet you.
Dear Jean-Pierre Martel,
Thank you very much for your prompt response, and details regarding Rougette. This is very helpful, and I will reach out to the Montréal Botanical Garden through the contact form you provided.
Of course, I have no expectations they will be able to facilitate such a request but as you said there will be no harm in trying! I am particularly grateful for your suggestion that we might offer some of the other rare varieties to them in exchange– I would not have thought of this, but think it’s a wonderful idea.
Thank you again for your help, and it has been a pleasure exchanging emails with you.